The recent pandemic turned the world upside down, but at the same time, it brought the world closer together. The internet has become a lifeline for many writers.
Morada.Granada, one of the amazing ML's from the Tennessee Elsewhere region, has taken it upon herself to build a Discord server for our region.While the server is maintained by Morada.Granada, it is not restricted to just Tennessee based writers. All writers are welcome.
Everyone from our administration team volunteers to be a Municipal Liaison for NaNoWriMo.
NaNoWriMo is an annual event, and is just one of many ways to connect with writers from around the world.
The regions we are affiliated with include:
Hint: did you check the menu bar?
In all seriousness, we welcome all writers!
Regular write-in sessions are hosted by our various volunteers. Additional sessions are added to the calendar during the month of November. Just visit the page, and check the calendars for the next schedule virtual write-in.