Sarah Buhrman: Too Wyrd

Nicola was never a hero. She was an everyday single mother, Heathen witch, and herbalist. And she was happy with her quiet life until the night Joseph showed up at her door with news that her step-sister joined a cult… and disappeared.

Pressured by family loyalties, Nicola goes back to Indianapolis, dodging old enemies and calling on old friends to help her. What she finds instead are an ex with super-powers, monsters and demigods on the streets, and a detective ready to bring her in for a murder investigation or three.

Can Nicola become the hero she needs to be, or will she lose everyone she cares for?

Sarah has been writing for more than 20 years. With a tongue-in-cheek way of looking at the world, her form of story and verse is blunt and witty. She lives in the middle of nowhere with two monsters (the kids), an ogre (the hubby), and whatever drama-llama is coming to visit this week.

Sarah’s Website

Sarah on Twitter

Tahani Nelson The Last Faoii

The Faoii have protected Clearwall for generations. With militaristic order and stalwart discipline, these women have reigned in prosperity. But when her monastery is attacked and her sisters slaughtered, only young Kaiya-faoii is left alive.

Forced to cope without the long-standing traditions of her Order, Kaiya travels the country on a mission to avenge her sisters and preserve what is left of her heritage. The search brings her not only to dark discoveries and ancient family secrets, but to something she never wanted or dreamed of: a brother she never knew she had.

Forced into a war at the heart of a broken empire, the siblings must evaluate the true meanings of enemy, betrayal and freedom―and the gray areas surrounding each. Meanwhile, Kaiya slowly learns the true state of the world outside her monastery’s walls, the dangers of the poisonous army that is slowly covering the land, and of her own innate abilities gifted by the Goddess.
Tahani Nelson grew up in Mesa, Arizona amidst towering saguaros and a blissful ignorance of snow. Now, she teaches high school English in rural Montana and lives with her husband, two cats, and (somehow) an adamant disregard for the existence of snow boots.
Twitter: @TahaniNelson

Ann H. Janzer: The Writer’s Process

For The Writer’s Process:

Want to be a better writer? Perfect your writing process. Process is a vital, under-appreciated writing skill.

The Writer’s Process combines proven practices of successful authors with cognitive science research about how our minds work.

It covers:

  • How to invite creativity and flow into the writing process
  • Why separating writing into different steps makes you more productive
  • How to overcome writer’s block, negative feedback, and distraction
  • How to make time for writing in a busy, interrupt-driven life


Anne Janzer is an author and writer who has worked with more than one hundred technology companies. She is author of the books The Writer’s Process, The Workplace Writer’s Process, and Subscription Marketing.

She enjoys working with writers to improve their processes and share their thoughts and ideas with the world.